Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Books For Parenting

5:16 PM by Lilian ·
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Books for Love, Marriage, Relationship, Commitment, Divorce and Sex

4:11 PM by Lilian ·
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Steve Harvey, the host of the nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show, can't count the number of impressive women he's met over the years, whether it's through the "Strawberry Letters" segment of his program or while on tour for his comedy shows. These are women who can run a small business, keep a household with three kids in tiptop shape, and chair a church group all at the same time. Yet when it comes to relationships, they can't figure out what makes men tick. Why? According to Steve it's because they're asking other women for advice when no one but another man can tell them how to find and keep a man. In Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Steve lets women inside the mindset of a man and sheds lights on concepts and questions such as:
  • The Ninety Day Rule: Ford requires it of its employees. Should you require it of your man?
  • How to spot a mama's boy and what if anything you can do about it.
  • When to introduce the kids. And what to read into the first interaction between your date and your kids.
  • The five questions every woman should ask a man to determine how serious he is.
  • And more...

10 Possible Casues Of Boredom In Marriage

12:10 PM by Lilian · 2 comments
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A Pictue

How many marriages today are experiencing boredom? Is it few, some or more? A book written by William Doherty in 2003, Take Back Your Marriage: Sticking Together in a World That Pulls Us Apart tackles the issue of boredom.

He wrote on page 23 that “... stakes are high. We must name these forces that undermine marriage, from the small forces such as boredom to the big ones such as the throwaway consumer culture...

"We won’t comment on the throwaway consumer culture – we all agree that excessive materialism distracts people and can erode basic family values.

Doherty mentions boredom as one of those “small forces” that can affect a marriage. To us, however, it is NOT a small force. Boredom in marriage is like a hairline crack on the wall until time and inaction transform it into an irreparable major fault zone. Once the crack is too big, both husband and wife have already gone deeper into the abyss, unable to extricate themselves from a helpless situation.

Boredom in Marriage: Possible Causes
What causes boredom in marriage? Is it just the lack of exciting sex or does aging have something to do with it? For some couples, it could just be sex – a common complaint no doubt. For other couples, it may be the lack of intellectual stimulation or what others call intellectual incompatibility.

We have heard some people say that by the time they reach retirement age, they have already shared and lived beautiful moments. It is up to them to continue those beautiful moments beyond retirement. Easier said than done!Unfortunately, however, not all couples can sustain beauty and excitement in their marriage. When they retire, they fall into a boring pattern of eating, reading the paper, watching television, doing the groceries, visiting with the kids and grandchildren every once in awhile, and repeating that routine until they begin to question if there’s anything else to living.

This routine even becomes more tiresome when couples are financially strapped. Insufficient resources can sometimes be a factor of boredom in marriage.

Let’s look at some of the possible causes of boredom in marriage:
  1. Not enough sex (or boring sex)
  2. Illness and disability
  3. Inability to age gracefully
  4. Lack of mutual interests
  5. Intellectual incompatibility
  6. Absence of humor
  7. Social isolation
  8. No community support
  9. Dependent adult children
  10. Insufficient financial resources
If you study these causes, three major categories are apparent:
  1. financial problems (presence of adult children in the home and insufficient financial resources),
  2. personality differences (boring sex, aging, lack of mutual interests, incompatibility, absence of humor),
  3. external factors (illness and disability, social isolation, no community support).
Boredom in Marriage Due to Financial Problems
We used to know colleagues who were nearing retirement but could not plan for it. They said that they had to postpone retirement because “we’re still helping our middle aged children financially. They are always short of cash and my husband and I have no choice but to help in whatever way we can. Because a portion of our savings has to be shared, my husband and I can’t afford to travel so we can’t really enjoy our lifetime savings. That has put a strain on our marriage.”

The era of downsizing and the dire consequences of easy credit have put adult children into a cash crunch, forcing them to turn to their parents for financial assistance. When a retiring couple postpones retirement because of financial issues, boredom can set in.

You figure that after having slaved at a job for 40-45 years, you’re entitled to reap the fruits of your labor. When your children are financially struggling, self-imposed deprivation can hurt, leading to resentment or boredom.

How do you add spice to the broth when there isn’t enough money to buy the spice? Instead of traveling and discovering new worlds, husband and wife have to content themselves with local trips; in some instances, even local trips are unaffordable. Or else, instead of investing in a new sport or hobby, husband and wife have to tighten the purse strings so they can contribute towards the dental braces of their second grandchild.

This lack of choices and lack of freedom generate boredom. This also applies to married couples who are still many years away from retirement. Children’s expenses such as tuition, camp, baby-sitters, extra-curricular activities and school trips eat into the family budget, preventing mother and father from enjoying the finer things in life.

If husband and wife mutually decide to postpone a trip to Europe, that means fewer opportunities for them to share meaningful experiences.

Boredom in Marriage Due to Personality Differences
It is common to hear husbands and wives complain about the lack of intellectual stimulation. “We’ve grown apart”, one spouse says, “he’s into baseball and golf and can’t stop talking about them. I don’t share any of his interests. I think golf is utterly boring.” Or else you hear a husband say, “I can’t figure out why my wife won’t experiment with me in bed. I tell her about how sex can add that much needed spark in our marriage but she refuses to try my suggestions. I’m bored with the same routine and maybe it’s time for me to find a more willing and open-minded partner.”

Sex is a beautiful thing, and couples must make it a priority to make sex a dominant part of their married life. It’s certainly healthy and can make husband and wife feel closer to one another. There is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing one’s sexual fantasies – if they help rekindle the old flame, why not act out those fantasies?

Fantasies are a therapy for boredom, especially when these fantasies are shared by two intimate people. While husband and wife should try to develop mutual interests, they can also leave each other some breathing room to pursue their respective interests and hobbies; this way they avoid “choking” each other by constant togetherness. Couples need time apart so they can reflect on what makes them happy and on how they can preserve that marriage bliss.

Boredom in Marriage Due to External Factors
The lack of community support and social isolation also lead to boredom, especially when husband and wife do not have large families or when they leave their old neighborhood and relocate to a new city. It takes time to cultivate friendships, but boredom in marriage can be avoided if couples make it a point to get involved in their community. The recreational and leisure departments of most city governments have programs for couples, children and seniors. Reaching out to others helps ward off boredom in marriage.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pounding Head? Discover 13 Sure-fire Herbal Remedies

They can be caused by a number of things including dehydration, hunger, grinding your teeth, a food allergy, sleeping on your neck wrong, giving up caffeine, and of course STRESS. Whatever the cause, there’s no mistaking that throbbing discomfort that plague so many Americans. Here are 13 natural remedies to attack your agony head on.

Tension, Hormonal, Seasonally-Occurring? Try...
  1. Magnesium - Replaces a magnesium deficiency that can cause head discomfort.
  2. Vitamin B-12 - Refills a Vitamin B-12 deficiency that can trigger discomfort.
  3. Ginger - Stimulates circulation, thins the blood, and helps blood flow to the surface.
  4. Valerian - Relaxes the mind and, encourages a healing sleep.
  5. St. John’s Wort - Promotes a positive outlook after too many “blue” days.
  6. Licorice - In Chinese herbal medicine, licorice root is an ingredient found in almost all herbal formulas for the purpose of “harmonizing” the separate herbs involved. One of its many active constituents—glycyrrhizin—has been found to possess anti-inflammatory action.
  7. Angelica - For centuries, Angelica Root has been hailed as the ultimate remedy and a blood purifier. Angelica is believed to be a health-protective herbal, as it blooms on the day of Saint Michael the Archangel.
  8. Skunk Cabbage - Also known as symplocarpus foetidus,this herb soothes the nervous system, which helps to reduce stress and mental fatigue.
  9. Chamomile - Calms the body. Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Indians used this herb to treat disorders of the kidneys, liver, and bladder, and mind. Chamomile works well to promote healing.
  10. Kava Kava - It’s been used for three thousand years by the people of the South Pacific for ceremonial, social and medicinal purposes. Today, kava is proven to relax and de-stress.
Regular, Ongoing Head Distress? Try...
  1. Melatonin - Physiologists know that melatonin helps to regulates sleep patterns, and thus promote overall health.
  2. Cayenne - This herb enhances delivery of more oxygen to your brain, and relieves discomfort.
  3. 5-HTP - Your body needs 5-HTP to make serotonin, needed for normal nerve and brain function. It promotes calmness and sleep.
Feel better by taking care of your everyday stress in healthy ways. Visit Botanic Choice to discover other natural de-stressers. It's also good to avoid dehydration or hunger. Take your regular breaks and lunch times. Eat and drink sensibly. Most importantly, be good to yourself!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your physician.

Monday, March 23, 2009

7 Dieting Mistakes

A PictureYou've started a new diet. You've been good all week, making sensible meals, managing your portions, even exercising a little...then the weekend hits. You eat too much. You drink too much. You give up.

Not so fast! A couple of slip ups won't undo all your hard work. The key is to know the dieting pitfalls you're likely to make and plan ahead to avoid them.

Here are the top seven dieting mistakes. How many are you making?
  1. Skipping breakfast.Research shows that people who don't eat breakfast actually weigh more than those who do. There's a mistaken belief that if you skip breakfast, you're saving calories. Problem is you end up snacking and eating more at other meals because you're body is so starved for food. Always begin your day with a healthy breakfast. Black coffee, an egg, whole wheat toast and a half grapefruit has only 250 calories and will stave off hunger pangs till lunch.
  2. Too many liquid calories. Did you know that a regular soda can pack on 15 pounds in one year? Not to mention lattes, fruit smoothies and alcohol. These liquid calories do little to satisfy any hunger and the calories add up fast.
  3. Not exercising. If 30 minutes is too much to even think about, start with 10 and see how it goes. If exercising is a drag to you, try something fun like bowling, playing ping-pong, or dancing. The idea is to get moving and have so much fun you'll stick with it.
  4. Using extreme diets. These don't work and can be very detrimental to your health. When you deprive your body of food two things happen: your metabolic rate slows down to make up for few calories and your desire to binge increases. In addition extreme dieting may lead to the bloating of fat cells, shrinking of muscle cells, accumulation of toxic fats and fatigue. Rather than thinking "diet" think lifestyle change.
  5. Mindless munching. Even if it's not on a plate, it still counts. A couple of cheesy crackers before dinner, test-tasting a sauce, finishing food from your kids plates while washing dishes, all adds up to more calories. On average figure 25 calories per bite. Do that 4 times in a day and you've just added 100 extra calories to your waistline without even realizing it.
  6. Going overboard on low fat. It's psychological. You pick a low-fat snack and you justify eating more of it because it IS low fat. Research backs this up. More food, even if it is non- or low-fat still means more calories.
  7. Not taking vitamins and supplements. In a perfect world, we'd get all the nutrition, A Picturevitamins and minerals from our three perfectly balanced daily meals. Truth is, few of us do. Even if you think you're eating right, modern food processing can deplete whatever nutrients were in the food originally. That's why many take daily vitamins and supplements. While it's important for everyone, it's especially important for those who are trying to lose or maintain weight. It starts with a good, high-quality multivitamin. For those seeking weight loss support AND total health, nothing beats Apple Cider Vinegar Plus™, which is a proprietary formula fortified with green tea for calorie burning and energy.
As quickly as the pounds add up, they can also come off. The key is knowing what your pitfalls are and how to avoid them.

For natural weight control remedies, visit Botanic Choice.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Health Update: The Truth about Free Radicals

If you're confused by all the talk about free radicals and antioxidants you're not alone. Technical terms, biological reactions, organic compounds… It's enough to confuse a scientist! You don't want jargon. You don't want hype. You want the facts. Well, here they are.

What Are Free Radicals?

Think back to your high school chemistry class. You may recall that at its most basic level, the human body is comprised of atoms. In addition to a nucleus, neutrons and protons, each atom has a pair of electrons orbiting around it. Because atoms constantly seek stability through paired electrons, it will often share its electrons with other atoms.

Sometimes, however, an electron breaks off. I'll tell you more about why in a moment. But what you're left with are two fragments, each containing unpaired, highly energized, highly unstable electrons. These are the infamous free radicals and they're looking to pair up with another electron. (Think singles bar.) And, they're not above breaking up another atom to get what they want. As you can imagine, this mayhem can cause a chain reaction of free radicals zipping around, bouncing into others, puncturing cell membranes, and wreaking havoc throughout your system, including your DNA.

Where do free radicals come from?

Free radicals are normal. They're the by-product of metabolism when you convert food into energy. So the good news is that, for the most part, your body knows how to deal with them. The bad news is that many of us have an excessive amount of free radicals – too many for our body to handle. The result? An overtaxed system that becomes vulnerable to a wide range of health concerns from daily annoyances, to accelerated aging, to major life-threatening problems.

While aging and stress can contribute to the creation of additional free radicals, other more avoidable sources include the American high-fat diet, chemically treated foods, pesticides, trans-fats, tobacco, refined sugar, and alcohol.

Antioxidants to the rescue

Although you can't eliminate free radicals from your body completely, you can stay a step ahead by adopting a healthier diet, avoiding harmful chemicals and by using antioxidants.

Free radicals want to pair off with another electron and they're not picky about where it comes from. Antioxidants are their willing partner. The free radicals lap up their extra electron like a drooling 6-year old eating an ice cream cone.

Many people who want to boost their immune system take antioxidant supplements, including Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and other immune boosters.

Armed with this knowledge, you too can now fight free radicals with my weapon of choice – antioxidants, and have a long, healthy life.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How Aging Process Affects Your Skin Health And Beauty?

The aging process begins when we enter the world and the effects of aging are evident in our bodies through out our lives. Beginning in our 20's, the signs of aging start to become noticeable. Genetically programmed chronologic aging causes changes in collagen and elastin, the connective tissues that supply firmness and elasticity to the skin. The genetic program of individuals is different, so the loss of skin firmness and elasticity occurs at different rates and different times in one individual as compared to another. As skin becomes less elastic, it also becomes drier and underlying fat padding begins to disappear. With the loss of underlying support by fat padding and connective tissues, the skin begins to sag; it appears less supple and wrinkles form.

Although wrinkles, lines and age spots are formed by the natural effects of getting older, one way to prevent them from appearing early on in life is to avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreens with SPFs 15 or higher. And, although most of us have some form of sun-damaged skin, there are ways to regain healthy, smooth skin. After many years of research, scientists, dermatologists and plastic surgeons have discovered that a variety of natural ingredients and vitamin extracts significantly help slow down and even reverse the signs of aging skin. These ingredients are now found in many physician developed and physician recommended anti-aging skin care products, which are specified below.

Vitamin A (Retinol) - Topical Vitamin A has been suggested to help build collagen fibers within the skin in addition to its more superficial exfoliating property. This is the basis for its use in minimizing the appearance of fine wrinkle lines. Vitamin A or Retinol is the main ingredient found in TYK Young Again, M.D. Forte, DDF and SkinScience products.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C or ascorbic acid acts as an antioxidant and is considered vital in wound healing because it aids in stabilizing collagen. When applied topically, vitamin C can reduce fine lines and wrinkles and may lessen the severity of sunburns. This healing ingredient is found in SkinCeuticals, Cellex C and Obagi Cffectives skin care products.

Vitamin E - Vitamin E is another antioxidant that shows to have anti-inflammatory effects on the skin. When applied topically, vitamin E has been shown to improve moisturization, softness and smoothness and also provides modest photo protection. Vitamin E is found in Cellex C, Exuviance and MD Forte products.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) - AHAs are designed to smooth fine lines and surface wrinkles, to improve skin texture and tone, to unblock and cleanse pores, to improve oily skin or acne, and to improve skin condition in general. AHAs are the main ingredients found in MD Forte, TYK Young Again, Super Skin and SkinScience products.

Glycolic Acid - Glycolic acid is the most active and beneficial of the Alpha-Hydroxy-Acids (AHAs) in skin care. Once inside the cells, the acid triggers new formations of collagen to plump cells and the ground substances in the skin to reduce wrinkles on the skin's surface. Glycolic acid is proven to be very effective in the treatment of acne as well as in cosmetic uses. Glycolic acid is found in products by Gly Derm, MD Forte, Z. Bigatti and Super Skin.

N-6 furfuryladenine (kinetin) - The nature-identical plant growth factor, furfuryladenine, retards the aging of plant cells as well as in vitro human skin fibroblasts. This natural, anti-aging ingredient has been proven to reduce wrinkles and fine lines and is exclusively found in Kinerase creams and lotions. This is a proven alternative for people with sensitive skin or people who are sensitive to products containing Retinol and Vitamin C.
Copper Peptides are the latest scientific breakthrough in skin rejuvenation. Copper has been found to naturally firm the skin, enhance elasticity, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Copper is the main ingredient in products by Neova and Osmotics.

Pal-KTTKS - Pal-KTTKS is an effective ingredient for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It's found to promote a smoother, younger complexion quickly, without with out expensive and painful chemical peels, surgery or injections. This patented peptide solution is found in StriVectin-SD.

Green Tea Extract - Green tea's anti-inflammatory and anti-growth qualities are found in many skin care products designed to reduce the appearance of puffiness, wrinkles, fine lines and large pores. Green Tea is found in the Dr. Brandt skin care line, Z. Bigatti and Gly Derm products.

TNS - The biotechnology of the skin's natural healing process has arrived with the first tissue repairing complex containing growth factors found in normal, healthy skin. Unlike anything else currently on the market, TNS is the next level of skin rejuvenation that delivers dramatic results, for smoother, softer, younger looking skin. TNS is found in SkinMedica's TNS Recovery Complex.

Many customers ask which anti-aging product is best and we always respond by saying that there is no best product. Since every individuals skin is different, the results of using anti-aging products will be different as well. We recommend that you consult with a skin care professional prior to use of any new skin care product to determine your skin type, skin condition and possible sensitivities to active ingredients. Your skin care professional may recommend specific products, or you can try a few on your own based on your consultation. If you are not happy with the first product you try, try another one. It's important that you choose a product and skin care regimen that makes you feel 100% comfortable with the look and feel of your skin.

Customers also inquire about when they should expect to see results from using anti-aging products. Again, we respond by saying that results will be different for each individual, generally due to the condition of ones skin prior to use. However, across the board, we say not to expect a miracle, as there is no anti-aging product on the market that provides overnight results. Whether you are trying to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles, puffiness or age spots, the process is gradual and takes anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks depending on the severity of your problem areas. After allowing the products time to take effect as well as following product directions, you can be sure to notice significant improvement in the appearance of your skin.

To see the quickest results, you will have to undergo professional cosmetics procedures. While procedures such as laser treatments, injections and dermabrasion produce the fastest, most noticeable improvements, they are all are somewhat painful or uncomfortable and very costly. In addition, pre and post treatment plans are required to achieve maximum results, which consist of using skin care products, that are also proven to be safe, effective, painless and less expensive alternatives to professional cosmetic procedures.

Please note that with the use of any new skin care product, it is highly possible that your skin will react to the ingredients. You may experience irritation, redness, dryness or a mild breakout, which should only last for the first 3-5 days of use. If you experience any of these reactions for a longer period of time, please discontinue use and consult a skin care professional. It is also recommended that prior to using any new skin care product to consult with a skin care professional.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Baby Photo Contest Online For Cute Kids

The CuteKid.com is searching for the 2009 CuteKid of the Year. They truly intend to give parents the outlet to put their special cute photos to the test against other CuteKids™ from around the world. Because the internet brings the world together, TheCuteKid.com is being touted as the world's leading child photo contest website.

Capture that beautiful special moment of your children share them to the world! Why not take a chance on winning great prizes in our online baby photo contest, and best of all, a chance to be spotted by the right Talent and Casting Agents!

Click the picture below for more details...
By the way its and FREE and easy! Join Now!


10 Ways To Build Your Child's Confidence

A confident child is sure of his/her abilities, recognizing and accepting both his/her strengths and weaknesses. We all want our children to be confident. But for many children confidence does not come naturally. Confidence must be nurtured even for the child who seems confident all ready. Below are 10 ways to help build your child's confidence:
  1. Say you are proud. Tell your child when they have accomplished something and you are proud of them. Tell others about your child's accomplishments and positive qualities. Let your child overhear you praising them to others. I often tell others, in front of my daughter, how well she is in doing things in her own little ways. Tell others what a great reader your child is and how well he does at math. Your child would think he is the best at math in his first grade class. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. The point is that your child thinks he is good and that gives him the confidence he needs to keep trying and learn new things.
  2. Give responsibility. Giving your child jobs to do around the house helps them feel valuable. It also teaches them adult skills. Assign your child chores that they must accomplish everyday. As they complete their chores they will acquire a feeling of self-worth and confidence in their abilities. Have your child help you with the dishes. Even my 1.7 year-old daughter puts her toys in the basket, throws dirty things in the garbage, mops the mess she created, hands you something other people ask to give you. Ask your child to help you puts the plate in the sink after she is finished eating, help you fold laundry, make his bed and keep his room clean. Ask them to you you clean up toys. Children also love to help dad wash the cars.
  3. Don't label. One of the worst things a parent can do is to label their child. Yet it is so easy to do. As parents we need to be careful that we give our child positive labels that reflect inner personality traits. Sometimes parents focus on the physical traits of a child. Either saying that they are beautiful or a certain trait is ugly, like having big feet or a nose that is too large. Focusing on our child's physical characteristics whether good or bad teaches them that looks are what matter.
  4. Encourage talents. Write down all of the things that your child is good at. Then choose one thing that your child wants to pursue. It could be as simple as taking your child to the library each week because they like to and are good at reading. Or you could enroll your child in sports, child dance class, drama, art, or music class. The goal is to provide a positive experience for your child and allow them to excel at something.
  5. Listen. Let your child know they are important by really listening to them. Get down on eye level and give them your complete attention. If your child feels that you are not listening they will stop talking. They will feel that their opinions and feelings are not valued. And if a child feels that their own parent won't listen to them then they will believe that no one else will want to listen either.
  6. Establish routines. When you have set routines and a home that is predictable your child will feel more secure. Your child will be less likely to be afraid to venture out into the world when they know they can come home to a secure and loving environment. Having established routines helps your child understand what is expected of them and reach those expectations thus increasing their confidence.
  7. Address your child by name. Calling your child by name shows that you value them and that you feel that they are important enough to address by name. Using your child's name gives them a label that they can wear proudly. When my husband and i ask my daughter who is Alisha she will always raise her hands. She knew who she is. Children who are confident will address others by their name more frequently. They are unafraid to address others by name and will be better able to ask for help.
  8. Play with your child. Parents playing with children helps build their self-confidence because it shows them their parents enjoy being with them. Children learn through play and one of the many things they can learn is confidence. Play is a great time to role-play and praise your child. Playing with your child and allowing them to dictate the play gives them a feeling of importance and accomplishment. My girl loves to play building castle, pretending to make baby doll sleep, playing guitar and etc .
  9. Set rules and consequences. Children need to have set rules and consequences. This helps them feel valued and secure. A child who is required to follow rules will realize that their parents love them enough to set and enforce rules. Interestingly enough one study found that few teenagers wished their parents had established fewer rules, but many teenagers wished there parents had given more rules.
  10. Be a positive mirror. How your child perceives herself is based largely upon how you perceive your child. Do you reflect negative or positive images? Does you child know that her opinions matter to you? Does he think that you enjoy being with him? Providing positive reflections of your child helps him feel good about himself. It is also important to help your child realize that you value them because of who they are not just how they perform.

Monday, March 2, 2009

5 Simple Etiquette Tips Every Child Needs To Know

First impressions are important. As a parent you need to teach your child how to make a good impression. The key is etiquette for children. Here are 5 simple etiquette tips a child needs to know:

A proper greeting shows confidence and maturity. Teach your child to address people they meet by their title and name. Making eye contact is an important etiquette too. You can teach your child how to greet people by giving yourself a name and pretending to meet your child. Have your child practice saying, "Hello, Mr. Hansen," and looking you in the eye. Remind them that they need to use Mr., Mrs., or Ms. and not an adult's first name unless requested to use it.

In our society handshakes are used unlike the kisses that dominate European society. So it is an important etiquette for children to learn how to shake hands. Typically a person extends their right hand the one they use most often. For left-hander children, it is harder to remember that people shake with their right. Practice with your child so that they don't grip too hard (it's not a contest) or too soft (there should be some actual gripping) but right in between.

Please and Thank You
These two phrases are still valuable today and their use shows a person has manners more than anything else. In order to teach these words as a parent you must use them yourself (and remind your kids about a million times). Talk to your child about why please and thank you are important. Everyone likes to be appreciated and according to Emily Post saying, "'Please' can turn a demand into a request and indicates an option it can turn an unpopular request into a more palatable one."

Excuse Me
This is a valuable phrase that is used too little. Besides saying "excuse me" after public bodily functions there are many other times when "excuse me" should be used. Such as when a person walks through a crowded room, bumps into someone, walks in front of someone, needs to leave a group, or needs to ask a question. Practice role-playing situations in which your child could use "excuse me."

Not Interrupting
Nothing shows bad manners more than a child who runs up to his parent in mid conversation and begins speaking. Teach your child that when you or anyone else is talking that they must wait until a break in the conversation before interrupting. Teach your child the right etiquette using a signal, such as raising one finger, to show that you acknowledge them and will listen in a moment. Then be sure to stop and listen to your child. Emily Post reminds parents that "the mother who invariably stops and says, 'What is it, dear?' when her daughter interrupts is helping her to establish a habit that will do her a disservice all her life."

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